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Being that this man’s visit was right before snow was expected to fall in the New York City area, this special person returned again before Shabbos with another delivery of food for the family. He wanted to make sure they would have enough food in stock before the bad weather approached.

We see how Hashem runs the world. He knew this person intended in his heart to do chesed, but failed to get the necessary information to do it. So He orchestrated the moves of all the different people in this episode, like chess pieces on a board, to accomplish one thing or another – all for the purpose of permitting this man to complete his desired mitzvah.


How inspiring! Those of us involved, upon hearing this story, were totally speechless and grateful to Hashem for His chesed. I still get the chills every time I retell this story.

Baruch Hashem, Chavy recovered after a year. She recently had surgery to further assist her recuperation.

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