Taking Advantage Of Our Ordeals

We must ask ourselves: Is this the best way to handle an ordeal? When we face challenges, how do we act during these moments of pain and discomfort?

Chanukah: Re-Examining Our Ideological Battle Against the Greeks

Ideally,nthe physical wisdom of the Greeks and Yefes are to reside within the tent of Shem, for science and the wisdom of the world to be in harmony with Torah. The problem occurred when the Greeks tried to destroy the Torah, which contradicted their ideology, and the Jews were forced to fight for their beliefs. This was the battle of Chanukah.

Can You Really Become as Great as Moshe Rabbeinu?

The Rambam says something absolutely shocking. He claims that everyone is capable of becoming a tzaddik like Moshe Rabbeinu. How is this possible? Not all of us are able to become leaders, let alone become the greatest leader in human history. So what does the Rambam mean?

Our Ordeals Are Our Opportunities

Growth occurs only in the face of resistance and pressure. There is no growth in the comfort zone.

Why Strive For Greatness? (Part I)

What is the Jewish perspective on the goal of life? Do we limit ourselves to our own individual happiness, or should we be striving for something even deeper and greater?

The Journey To Yourself

In a journey to the self, all that we know is the starting point; the destination remains to be discovered. We don’t know what we’ll find along the journey, the challenges we’ll face, what people will think, or if we will even succeed.

Rosh Hashana: The Three Stages Of Teshuva

At root, all of Klal Yisrael is one, an interconnected self. Each of our individual neshamos are part of a bigger whole, like individual cells that make up a single human body.

Berachos And Klalos: Bounty And Boundaries (Part I)

Although we likely take it for granted that berachos are a pillar of our daily lives, they have not always existed as they do now. Until the Second Temple era, there was no standard set of berachos or prayer.

Yom Kippur: Flying Amongst Angels

As we approach Yom Kippur, we recognize that it is unquestionably one of the most important days of the year. And yet, in many ways, it is a mystery.

Sight, But No Vision: The Sin Of The Spies (Part I)

As human beings, we have the remarkable ability to jump to conclusions, assuming that we know the truth of a situation when we, in fact, have completely misjudged it.

What Made Moshe’s Prophecy Unique? (Part I)

Imagine a life beyond the one you currently experience – one with new senses and sensations, new colors added to your field of vision, and new sounds to your range of hearing. What if you had abilities that far surpassed anything you can imagine?

From Last To First: The Story Of The Nesiim (Part II)

The ultimate paradigm of proactive chesed was Hashem’s decision to create the world. There was no external recipient when Hashem created the world, there was no “need,” and there was no external force pressuring Hashem to “give” the world existence.

Follow The Leader: What Is True Leadership?

The leader is appointed to serve the people. If he fails to do so, he is removed and replaced with someone who better fills the people’s needs. T

Hearing Within The Darkness

When you hear someone else speaking, you must collect all the pieces of sound together and reconstruct them into a connected picture in your mind so that you can grasp their meaning.

The Birth Of Torah SheBa’al Peh: Creating Light Within The Darkness (Part I)

It is clear that we now live in the second stage of history – one of darkness, distance, and seeming disconnect from Hashem. It is also clear that this was not always the case.

From Last To First: The Story Of The Nesiim (Part I)

Highly successful people do not immediately look at their phones upon waking. Instead of allowing external stimuli to guide their waking thoughts, they replace it with mindful, guided, and goal-oriented thinking, generating proactive momentum to their morning.

What Do We Really Want?

Most spiritual schools of thought are focused wholly on the spiritual; they view the physical world as lowly and dangerous. They therefore claim that the physical should be avoided to the greatest extent possible.

Aseres Hadibros: Engrave Them on Your Soul

The Gemara explicitly states that the Luchos were cubic or rectangular. If so, why does almost every shul depict the Luchos with two rounded tops, as an almost heart-shaped figure?

Deepening Our Understanding Of Sefiras Ha’Omer And Shavuos

The first night of Pesach was a gift, an experience of transcendence. This night was characterized by the miracles of makkas bechoros and yetzias Mitzrayim, which connected the Jewish people to a higher dimension of existence.

What Is The Deeper Purpose Of Shavuot?

Some may refer to the Torah as a history book; others may think of it as a book of law or a source of Jewish wisdom. While these are all true, they only scratch the surface of the Torah’s true nature.

A Reason to Transcend (Part II)

If someone were to ask you to prove that you exist, you would seriously struggle to do so. One’s own existence simply cannot be rationally proven.

What Made Moshe’s Prophecy Unique? (Part TII)

When Moshe descended from Har Sinai, his face glowed, to the extent that he had to cover it when interacting with the rest of Klal Yisrael.

Mirrors And Windows: The Secret Of Schach

The spiritual concept of beauty, and its relevance to marriage, is central to the connection we aim to develop through the process of Succos.

Are You Willing To Journey Into The Unknown?

The inability to fully understand the destination of one’s own growth can be compared to a child’s inability to grasp a complex scientific or spiritual concept.

Purim: Our Existential Battle Against Amalek

Amalek rejects Hashem’s connection to this world or any connection between the spiritual and the physical. Essentially, Amalek denies Hashem’s control of this world and the ability for man to uplift himself to the level of the spiritual.

The Curse Of Flattery, The Gift Of Rebuke

The purpose of rebuke is simple: Rebuke helps us see where we have gone wrong, clarifying what we must change and improve in order to fulfill our purpose and actualize our true potential.

The Curse of the Unborn Child

Elul is the time of teshuva, of self-awareness and recalibration, of inspiration and will. Ki Savo is the parsha of tochacha (rebuke). The connection between teshuva and rebuke appears self-evident, but exploring these topics in depth reveals an ever richer and perhaps less obvious connection. To better understand the connection between tochacha and teshuva, we must first understand the concept of flattery.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/judaism/jewish-columns/rabbi-shmuel-reichman/sefiras-haomer-achieving-the-impossible/2020/05/14/

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