Photo Credit: Pixabay

Transparency and Truth, VS. Sensitivity and Pain Avoidance. Last week, a horrific murder took place that has rocked the nation. A 19 yer old Jewish girl, Ori Ansbacher was found dead in the forest, her body left in a gruesome state. The government has put a gag order on the more ugly details, and we ask the question, what is more important, truth and transparency about this terror attack, or do we refrain from sharing these details in sensitivity to the surviving family members and any police investigation? Both sides have merit. We discuss the issue and present the facts. Also, will the Likud unite with the right-wing-religious Jewish Home Party? If so, it could be a brilliant move by PM Netnayahu to bring in more votes to his party. with guests: Dr. Mordechai Ben-Menachem, author of the book: Muslim Winter Shifra Hoffman of and< /div>


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