Photo Credit: Courtesy

As Jews all over the world are celebrating the Purim Holiday, we see headlines that are almost too unbelievable to be true! A virus that is forcing people all over the world to quarantine themselves, a government in Israel that may have to go to 4th elections, and then there is the build up of Turkish and Russian troops in Syria, just north of Israel. Are all these portents to the End Times and the coming of Moshiach (the Messiah)? And what about the war of Gog & Magog? Tamar speaks with guest, Rabbi Pinchas Winston, from and asks him if these ‘signs’ we are seeing, are really from G-d, preparing us for the redemption! Check out Rabbi Winston’s new book, ‘PREPARING FOR REDEMPTION: WHAT TO DO NOW, FOR THEN’. Check out his special, limited time offer on his new book for the holiday!



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