Photo Credit: Flash90

Moshe Feiglin is the Leader of the Zehut political Party, which in English means IDENTITY. He was a knesset member while in the Likud party some years ago, and is now running again for the Knesset with ZEHUT. What is the platform of Zehut, and what do they hope to achieve if elected to the next Knesset? Should people vote for smaller parties that may or may not reach the threshold to get into the Knesset? Moshe Feiglin gives a fiery answer! Check out their platform on their website at

Also, former Generals of Israel have brought havoc and even bloodshed to the country and it’s citizens when they were voted in and became Prime Minister. Dr. Martin Sherman, Founder and Director of gives us startling facts about the dangers, and wrote an excellent article about it here:…f-perversity/


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