Photo Credit: Shannon Nuszen

The big meeting with Israeli PM Netanyahu & U.S. President Trump could produce a strong alliance leading to the defeat of Islamic terror and even bring peace to the Middle East. Netanyahu must not repeat the same mantra of a ‘Two State Solution’ but surge forward with a simple and more effective policy for a more peaceful and safe world. Dr. Martin Sherman, Founder and Director of the Israeli Institute for Strategic Studies at tells Tamar the RIGHT way to bring peace to the Mid-East, and a better and safer world for all. Click to find out how.

Also, what’s going on with the over 40 families and almost 200 childen now homeless after the destruction of Amona? Shannon Nuszen, an activist for Israel, and now the Amona families, tells us about the Amona resident’s tent-city, and why they had to flee that too.


Tamar Yonah Show 14Feb2017 – PODCAST

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