Rejuvenation: A Jewish Mother and a Catholic Father [audio]

Dominican priest Erik Ross joins Eve Harow from Poland. listen as they struggle together with tough questions and more on Rejuvenation on The Land of Israel Network.

Rejuvenation: Poetry of Commotion [audio]

Esther Cameron uses poetry to express love of her chosen people and land in an increasingly hostile world. Eve Harow has the privilege to interview this American-born Israeli poet today on Rejuvenation.

Rejuvenation: Chewing on Onomastics [audio]

What’s in a Jewish Name? What do our names say about us; our culture, our religiosity, our country, our gender, the language in which we communicate? Eve Harow speaks with Professor Aaron Demsky today on Rejuvenation.

Rejuvenation: Tuvia Tenenbom says ‘Hello, Refugees!’ [audio]

How the Germans are treating the over million Syrian refugees they’ve ‘welcomed’ into their country might shock you. Eve Harow interviews Tuvia Tenenbom today on Rejuvenation.

Rejuvenation: With Tanach in Hand and Heart [audio]

From the tragedy of the Judean Desert flood, to interviews with special guests and guiding a group of women, Eve Harow shares her thoughts on events of the last few weeks today on Rejuvenation.

Rejuvenation: Dissecting Deuteronomy [audio]

Is belief in the Bible’s divine origins an immutable tenet of Judaism? Listen in as Rabbi Francis Nataf shares his innovative thoughts on text and tradition, morality and mortality on this weeks Rejuvenation with Eve Harow.

Rejuvenation: Kernels of Truth from Colonel Richard Kemp [audio]

Listen and share Eve Harow's interview with British Colonel Richard Kemp about the “RE-creation” of the Jewish state in it’s Homeland today on Rejuvenation.

Rejuvenation: From Netzarim to Ariel [audio]

Tammuz is about choices, and we have precedents of mistaken ones. Do we learn from them- or repeat them? Eve Harow speaks with Tami Zilbershein who was expelled from her home in Gush Katif in 2005 about the challenges and opportunities that have accompanied the last 13 years today on Rejuvenation.

Rejuvenation: Living On-and Off-the Land [audio]

Is a good life an easy life - or is it one with meaning? Eve Harow speaks with Alon Zimmerman, former surfer and jock who now has a farm in Itamar practicing sustainable ecology; growing what you eat, literally enjoying the fruits of your labor. Living the Torah on this weeks Rejuvenation.

Rejuvenation: Little Shop of Honors [audio]

Eve Harow in a thoughtful conversation with Moshe Kempinski, owner of Shorashim (“Roots”) Store in Jerusalem’s Old City, about the Family of Humanity and how we can together, with clarity of purpose and faith, heal a broken world. On today's Rejuvenation on The Land of Israel Network.

Rejuvenation: You’re Such an Israeli. Yes, I am. Thank you! [audio]

What- if anything- can be done to save non Orthodox American Jewry from completely assimilating? Editor of The Tower Magazine Dr. David Hazony joins Eve Harow on Rejuvenation.

Rejuvenation: Faith, Family and F-16s [audio]

Last week Eve Harow spent guiding Seventh Day Baptist pastors around Israel, exploring their religion’s Jewish roots in Israel while experiencing the Land of the Bible for the first time. Listen in to her interviews with the pastors today on Rejuvenation.

Rejuvenation: How a 3,000 Year Civilization Disappeared Overnight [audio]

Hear stories that weren't told in the wake of the Holocaust. Families lost everything when they were forced to leave their home. Eve Harow interviews Lyn Julius who tells her story, about how nearly a million Jews were thrown out of their home in Arab countries with no compensation or international aid today on Rejuvenation.

Rejuvenation: Nothing ScaVentured, Nothing Gamed [audio]

Learn about Israel ScaVentures, the ultimate in interactive and educational learning about the country via sophisticated and well planned guided scaventure hunts. Eve Harow speaks with founder Tali Kaplinski Tarlow today on Rejuvenation.

Rejuvenation: For a Warmer Judaism [audio]

An Israeli Rabbinate that’s Zionist and warm! Eve Harow interviews Rabbi David Stav from Tzohar, whose organization is working diligently to create this. Hear more today on Rejuvenation.

Rejuvenation: Joseph – Israel’s Good Food Security Guy [audio]

While terrorists torch wheat fields in Israel’s south and cherry trees in Gush Etzion Leket Israel is devoted to rescuing and redistributing healthy food around the country. Eve Harow interviews Joseph Gitler, who is working towards eliminating waste and helping Israel. Hear more on today's Rejuvenation.

Rejuvenation: Daring to Choose Life [audio]

On the first show of 5778 Eve Harow shares her thoughts about Judaism’s love of life and humanity today on Rejuvenation.

Rejuvenation: In the Darkest Hour

Judy Batalion, author of ‘The Light of Days; the Untold Story of Women Resistance Fighters in Hitler’s Ghettos.’, joins host Eve Harow on Rejuvenation, to share the experience of combining years of research, an interest in trauma and a deep desire to keep these young women alive, if just on the page.

Rejuvenation: Ken Spiro: No Time like the Present [audio]

This era is unique due to the overwhelming flow of information. Historian Ken Spiro joins Eve Harow​ today on Rejuvenation and share's his thoughts on Israel, the West and more.

Rejuvenation: Women of the Call – Reporting from AIPAC [audio]

At the AIPAC Conference Eve Interviews 2 Amazing Women. Farhana Rahman, a Proud Muslim Zionist & Lori Palatnik a Jewish Powerhouse on today's Rejuvenation.

Rejuvenation: The Fight of Our Lives [audio]

‘The Fight of Our Lives; Defeating the Ideological War Against the West‘ exposes the so called “Progressive’ ideology of the West. Eve Harow interviews producer and director of the film Gloria Greenfield today on Rejuvenation.

Rejuvenation: The Plots Thicken [audio]

Burial customs over the ages have evolved and they must continue to evolve. Eve Harow speaks with Chananya Shachor from the Burial Society of the Jerusalem Jewish Community about the very sensitive issue of burial in Judaism’s holiest city today on Rejuvenation.

Rejuvenation: How Jesuits Made Them Jews [audio]

It’s never too late to find Hashem. Eve Harow speaks with journalist Dale Debber about his family’s personal journey to Judaism via the Jesuits and how a trip to Israel that changed their lives on today's Rejuvenation.

Rejuvenation: Religious Zionism – Is the Best Yet to Come? [audio]

How can we continue Jewish tradition while engaging with the modern world and providing role models for young people exposed to too many alternatives. Rabbi Reuven Taragin joins Eve Harow today on Rejuvenation.

Rejuvenation: Living the Dead Sea Scrolls [audio]

Listen in as Eve Harow interviews Professor Lawrence Schiffmanis, one of the world’s experts on the most important archaeological discovery of the 20th Century, the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Rejuvenation: The Background and Battlegrounds of Asael Lubotzky [audio]

An inspirational story of a young man who describes his journey in the battles of Lebanon and in rehabilitation. Of the strong faith, friendships and family ties that have made him who he is today. On today's Rejuvenation Eve Harow interviews Asael Lubotsky.

Rejuvenation: A Jordanian Date Palm Speaks [audio]

Eve Harow speaks w/Tamar Hayardeni, a 10th generation Jerusalemite, about an undivided Jerusalem, motherhood, terrorism and more on this weeks Rejuvenation on The Land of Israel Network.

Rejuvenation: Could the Kurds Provide the Way? [audio]

2003 in post-Saddam Baghdad the Jewish Archives were found Dr. Harold Rhode was working for the U.S. government and his intervention was crucial in their survival. Listen in to Eve Harow's interview of Dr. Rhode.

Rejuvenation: The Genesis of Prayer [audio]

“Jews and Christians in the ancient world were the original atheists.” Huh? Dr. Daniel Falk joins Eve Harow on Rejuvenation to discuss the development of prayer.

Rejuvenation: An Israeli Mother’s Perspective [audio]

How much can a mother’s heart and head handle? On this weeks Rejuvenation Eve Harow shares how her personal and professional lives converge and conflict.


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