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Yishai is joined by Walid Shantur, an Arab American whose family hails from a village near Ramallah, that Yishai met while on tour in Ithaca, New York. They discuss seeing eye to eye on a statehood solution in Israel and how Israel already has a government and infrastructure to support both Jews and Arabs. They discuss the affect and ramifications of the Arab Spring to Arabs in Israel and end by talking about the role of the US in the Middle East and how Americans truly do not understand the region.


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Moshe Herman has been actively involved in Israel activism since founding the first pro-Israel student organization at Boise State University in 2007. He has been a member of several panels and discussion groups with topics ranging from interfaith dialogue in the Middle East to Israel’s importance as a Jewish state and holds dual US/Israeli citizenship. Herman joined The Yishai Fleisher Show at the beginning of 2012 and currently resides in Boise, Idaho.