Photo Credit: Im Tirtzu
Im Tirtzu activists woke up anarchist Shame Guards leader Nava Rosilio, August 30, 2023.

Im Tirtzu activists on Wednesday morning showed up in front of the home of Nava Rosilio, who runs an anarchist group calling itself “Shame Guards,” to give her a taste of her own medicine.


Rosilio operates thousands of anarchists to whom she WhatsApps real-time reports on the locations of coalition ministers and MKs. She deploys them and they, like well-trained drones, pick up their flags, snare drums, and zambooras, show up in small and large groups to torment those public officials who by law cannot do anything to deter them (the courts said so).

In recent months, Im Tirtzu activists have protested in front of the home of Eyal Naveh, one of the leaders of the crypto-fascist militia Brothers in Arms, the home of billionaire Ofra Strauss who decided to boycott the right-wing Channel 14, and Dan Aaronson who smashed a car’s rear window while a Haredi woman and her three children were stuck inside during a road blockage.

Matan Jerafi, Head of Activities at Im Tirtzu, said “Nava Rosilio and her friends threaten elected officials and disrupt the values of democracy. Israel has become a pit of anarchy as a result and the voices of millions of citizens are silenced. The neighbors of elected officials also have rights, not only the anarchists.”

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