Photo Credit: Police Spokesperson
3,500-year-old jugs stolen from a burial cave that were seized by Israeli police on March 27, 2023.

Israeli Police officers making a drug bust in Kfar Qasim discovered 3,500-year-old antiquities on Monday.

Police turned over the jugs, bowls and urns to the Israeli Antiquities Authority.


An inspector from the Authority’s robbery prevention unit said the items dated back to the Early and Middle Bronze Age.

The items were apparently stolen from burial caves near Kfar Qasim.

“The antiquities found may be impressive, but in fact it is a heart-wrenching picture,” said Amir Ganor, director of the Authority’s robbery prevention unit. “Any antiquities that are disconnected from their archaeological context, is a piece that is torn from the puzzle of our heritage.”

Also seized by the police were 60 cannabis seedlings and four kilos of a drug presumed to be marijuana.

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