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Brooklyn DA candidate Ken Thompson in the company of his biggest fans, yeshiva boys in the Catskills bungalows. He accuses the incumbent, Charles Hynes, of using proxies to smear his name in the Jewish community.

Ken Thompson, claiming the support of the Orthodox Jewish community in his bid to unseat Charles Hynes as Brooklyn’s District Attorney, dismissed the latest assertion coming out of the Hynes campaign, that he would be bad for Jews, if elected.

“I can tell you this, that I’m going to be a champion of the Jewish community. I’m going to be a champion of all communities in Brooklyn,” Mr. Thompson told Hamodia, in an interview published Wednesday morning.


Addressing Councilman David Greenfield’s claim that he heard him saying at several private meetings that he would “target the Jews,” Mr. Thompson denied the quote, switching to a counter attack on Mr. Hynes.

“Let me just say this: the accusation that I said I’m going to target the Jewish community is an outright lie. I never said that,” he insisted. “That’s not what I stand for. I believe in making sure that everyone is treated equally and fairly. So, this is fear-mongering, because the Hynes’ campaign is afraid of the growing strength in my campaign.”

“The same DA, Joe Hynes, has said that the Orthodox Jewish community is worse than the mafia. Look at what the sitting DA has said about an entire community. That is outrageous. The mafia kills people. Then, he wants to falsely accuse me because he’s at the point of desperation.”

“My whole life shows what I believe about the Jewish community. My whole life in terms of when my mother had enough money to move my family out of the projects, where did she take us to? My mother eventually took us to Coop City in the ’70s, which was predominantly Jewish. I was one of the few black families in the whole building and everyone on my floor, virtually everyone on my floor was Jewish. My Jewish neighbors loved me and I loved every one of them,” he added.

Candidate Thompson has been meeting extensively with orthodox Jews. These images were offered on his campaign website:


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Jacob Kornbluh is described as an up and coming Orthodox Jewish Blogger, writing about Local, national and Israeli politics, and a freelance reporter for various publications. Kornbluh's work has been featured in Haaretz, the NY Times, local blogs, and on local Jewish Radio, Kornbluh also covers the NYC 2013 mayoral race in general and a focus on the Jewish vote in particular at: Follow Jacob on Twitter @jacobkornbluh and his daily blog: