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Part of the Lebanon rocket that landed in Israel's north in a residential area.

5:58 PM Four missiles were launched at Israel from Tyre (Tzur), Lebanon. Three of the rockets fell outside of Israel. One rocket was intercepted by the Iron Dome system. Part of the Iron Dome intercept rocket fell in a residential area in Israel’s north. Global Jihad (not Hezbollah) is now believed to be responsible for the attack.


Four missiles were launched on northeastern Israel around 4:30 p.m. (9:30 a.m. EDT) Thursday. And the IDF intercepted one of them.

No damage or injuries were reported.

One or two of the missiles landed in the Galilee, and the fourth rocket overshot its target and landed in the Mediterranean Sea.

Residents in the coastal city of Nahariya and in the Western Galilee ran for shelters as sirens blared, warning of the incoming rockets. Bomb shelters in Acre (Acre), immediately south of Nahariya, were opened.

The Hezbollah-run Al Manar network in Lebanon said that the rockets were launched by Hezbollah terrorists from Tyre.

IDF has increased force preparedness in Tzfat an Kiryat Shmoneh as a result.

There have been multiple siren alerts since the launches.

Israel has closed all the airspace in northern Israel.

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