Photo Credit: Tsafrir Abayov / Flash90
Israeli army officer examines the remains of a mortar shell fired by terrorists from Gaza.

Gaza terrorists have launched another mortar attack on southern Israel, the second such attack in less than 24 hours.

IDF Spokesperson Lt. Col. Peter Lerner posted a tweet on the Twitter social networking site early Thursday afternoon to alert media to the attack.


“A short while ago, a mortar was fired at IDF during routine activity adjacent to the fence in southern Gaza. No injuries reported,” he wrote. There was no information about whether the mortar left any damage.

Last night Hamas-affiliated terrorists fired two rockets at Israel from the region. The missiles exploded in open areas near the Gaza security fence and in the Sha’ar HaNegev area, which includes the town of Sderot and surrounding farming moshavim and kibbutzim. No one was physically injured, and no property damage was reported.

More than half a million Israelis have fewer than 60 seconds to find shelter after a rocket or mortar is launched from Gaza towards Israel. Most are capable of reaching Israel’s largest southern cities. Some have struck as far as Tel Aviv and Gush Etzion.

Gaza terrorists have fired at least 110 rockets, missiles and mortars at southern Israel in the past four months (since January 1, 2014) alone.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.