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Thousands of Israelis are participating in United Hatzalah’s mega Chinese Auction, to be held on Thursday, May 14. The “120 seconds for 120 years” auction features 120 prizes, all donated or sponsored privately. All proceeds of the giveaway will go to purchase new equipment for United Hatzalah.

Within just the first couple of weeks of ticket sales, United Hatzalah already has raised sufficient funds to begin purchasing new equipment, particularly defibrillators for children. United Hatzalah Chairman Zeev Kashash explained that though they operate as a not-for-profit volunteer organization, United Hatzalah must cover the high costs of purchasing medical equipment.


“We are specifically raising money to be able to increase our reach by providing our volunteers with more equipment and training more volunteers so that we can respond to emergencies quicker,” said Eli Beer, president and CEO of United Hatzalah. “Our goal is to reach a response time of 120 seconds, which will certainly allow us to save more lives and treat more emergencies. As leading first responders, our network of 2,500 volunteers are stationed across Israel and serve all communities using extensive GPS technology and medical expertise in emergency situations. Your participation in this auction will improve our free service.”

To sign up or for more information, please call 02-940-1401 or visit

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