Photo Credit: CNN YouTube screenshot

Kerr said Iran has agreed to turn its Fordow facility, an underground bunker, into a research facility that will invite world scientists to work there.

As to the heavy-water reactor in Arak, which was capable of producing weapons-grade plutonium—it will be rebuilt using a design approved by the international community, according to Kerry. And that design, Kerry said, would make the production of weapons-grade plutonium there impossible.


IRNA says: “Arak Heavy Water Reactor will continue its work and remain intact, to be modernized, and equipped with latest technology, new laboratories and new installations and through cooperation with the owners of most sophisticated and most secure technologies in the world, early demands for dismantling or changing it to a light water reactor is void.”

Also, according to IRNA: “Ban on procurement of sensitive dual-purpose items to be lifted and Iran’s requirements to be facilitated and removed through referral to Iran-G5+1 Joint Commission.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tweeted Tuesday afternoon: “From the initial reports we can already conclude that this agreement is a historic mistake.”

So he’s not seizing the opportunity for now.


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