Photo Credit: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90
Funeral of Malachi Rosenfeld

( IDF, Shin Bet, Israeli police and the PA security forces have arrested a Hamas terror cell responsible for the fatal shooting on June 29, that killed Malachi Rosenfeld and injuring three others in the Shvut Rachel community, 28 miles north of Jerusalem, the IDF Spokesperson’s Office reported Sunday.

The same cell is also responsible for the shooting attack on an ambulance and Israeli vehicles, near Beitin, an Arab town 3 miles northeast of Ramallah on June 27. There were no injuries.


During the Shin Bet investigation, the perpetrators confessed to the shootings, as well as an attack they planned on June 6 but never executed.

The investigation concluded that Ahmed Najar, 39, from Jordan, was responsible for leading the cell and plotting the attacks. Najar is a Hamas terror activist, who had been previously imprisoned for committing crimes and murdering Israeli civilians. He was released from prison as part of the Gilad Shalit exchange deal and has since moved to Jordan where he has continued his terror activity.

Several of the seven cells members have been detained by the Palestinians security forces, including Mehad Hamad and Ahmed Sabri. Hamad participated in plotting and executing both shootings. Sabri was an accomplice in plotting both attacks and kept the cell’s weapons. They are both in the custody of the Palestinian Authority security forces.

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