Photo Credit: Ari Fuld
Lone Soldier Menachem Mendel Gordon meets his mother for the first time in 18 months at his Paratrooper graduation ceremony.

Grab your tissues.

Mindi Levine Gordon hasn’t seen her son Menachem Mendel Gordon in 18 months, so Standing Together 24/7 IDF flew her in to be there as her Lone Soldier graduates and earns his red Paratroopers beret following a 60 kilometer march at 4 AM this morning!


(The videos are on Facebook, so they may take a moment to load.)

Part I – The March into Jerusalem

Get the tissues ready!We (Standing Together 24/7 IDF) heard there was a mother who hasn't seen her son (Lone Soldier) in over a year, so we decided to surprise them and flew mommy in to unite them! Got up at 4 am to accompany her son's unit as they finish their last kilometer of their final March. Best feeling in the world!Watch the second part and the actual meeting between mom and son here by Ari Fuld on Wednesday, February 24, 2016



Part II – Lone IDF Soldier Menachem Mendel Gordon Meets His Mother For the First Time in 18 Months Following His 60 Kilometer Masa Kumtah

I cannot even begin to describe the high that I'm on right now!Mindi Levine Gordon hasn't seen her son in 18 months, so Standing Together 24/7 IDF flew her in to be there as her Lone Soldier graduates and earns his red beret! I caught their initial meeting and WOW!#AmYisraelChaiPosted by Ari Fuld on Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Videos by Ari Fuld.

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