Photo Credit: Markus Winkler / Pixabay

On the occasion of Passover, the Population and Immigration Authority presents how many people in Israel have names related to the holiday, such as Pesach, matzah, freedom and even Pharaoh.

The most common name is Moshe (Moses) with 112,205 males and 90 females.


3,990 women and 5 men are called Geula (redemption).
115 women and 3680 men are named Nissan – the Hebrew month when Passover is celebrated.

Aviva (Spring) – 8,956
Omer – 5,919
Aviv (Spring) – 5,237
Geula (Redemption) – 3,990
Dror – 751
Herut (Freedom) – 284
Nissan – 115
Moshe – 90
Matzah – 4
Pharaoh – 1
Pesach (Passover) – 1

Moshe – 112,205
Omer – 39,149
Aviv – 13,510
Dror – 8237
Nissan – 3680
Pesach – 1419
Herut – 6
Geula – 5

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