Photo Credit: courtesy, Republic of Ladonia
The coat of arms of Her Royal Highness, Crown Princess Greta of Ladonia.

The Palestinian Authority has been granted non-member state status at the United Nations and just last week was recognized as an independent sovereign country by Sweden’s new prime minister.

So why not the tiny nation of Ladonia? <– Click Here


Ladonia – a square kilometer that surrounds a set of sculptures – declared its independence from Sweden in 1996.

Although Sweden has not recognized the independence of Ladonia, the constitutional monarchy is currently ruled by Queen Carolyn I and President Christopher Matheoss.

Dr. Lars Vilks, the cartoonist of “Mohammed characterizations” fame – is the State Secretary.

Ladonia already has well-defined boundaries, as well as a government and a quite civilized society that includes a monarchy, a president, nobility and common citizens within its one square kilometer land mass.

The nascent micro nation has a national newspaper and its own holidays, and has ambassadors to nations around the world.

Happily, in response to a recent article about Sweden’s recognition of the Palestinian Authority as a sovereign country, the Queen of Ladonia said that Ladonia would welcome ties with Israel.

“Ladonia would welcome the opportunity to open formal diplomatic relations with Israel,” the Queen replied. “Just have the Minister of Foreign Affairs drop us a note at [email protected].

Ladonia carries as much legal international legitimacy as an independent sovereign nation as the Palestinian Authority.

And at least it has well-defined borders, and its citizens attack no one. Moreover, its nation holds real elections. Nor is it steeped in debt.

For those who have an interest in considering citizenship in Ladonia – no one can actually reside within its borders at the present time – one has to click on the website and proceed to the pull down menu for Government of Ladonia.

Check out the list of ambassadors and embassies while you’re at it.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.