Photo Credit: Hadas Parush/Flash90
Medics wheel a wounded Israeli man into the emergency room of the Shaare Zedek Medical Center

The Jerusalem District Court on Monday entenced of Bilal Abu Ghanem of Jabal village, a 14-year-old terrorist convicted of involvement in a stabbing attack on bus passengers in Jerusalem’s Armon Hanatziv area last October, to three cumulative life sentences plus 60 years. The attack resulted in the murder of Alon Gobbrg, Haim Habib and Richard Leikin HY”D. The other attacker was killed by security forces.

The terrorist, who was 13 at the time of the attack, was convicted last May of two counts of attempted murder and one count of possession of a knife. The defense argued that the boy did not carry out the actual stabbing and was only involved “to scare Jews.”


The court did not accept the argument that scaring Jews was an appropriate leisure activity for youths and convicted the boy of the charges.

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