Photo Credit: Knesset Spokesperson's Office
Yuli Edelstein at the Likud party conference in Lod, December 31, 2017.

Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein Session on Wednesday officially closed the Winter Session of the 20th Knesset’s Third. In his speech to the plenum, Edelstein said the Winter Session was “intensive, busy and filled with extensive and productive parliamentary activity.”

“Unfortunately,” he added, “this assembly was not one for the glory of the State of Israel. This assembly as well will not go down in parliamentary history as an example of civilized discourse and proper public conduct.”


“In addition to the callous and inappropriate discourse, during this assembly something very severe happened: a Knesset Member took advantage of his parliamentary immunity to assist acts of terror. He will be punished soon, but this case must remind us all that parliamentary immunity is given to us so that we may serve the public, not break the law,” said the Knesset Speaker.

“Still, I am hopeful that we end [this session] with insights for improvement and that we will return with renewed vigor. We are beginning the Passover, Memorial Day and Independence Day recess, and, God willing, we will reconvene here for the beginning of the Summer Session on Monday, May 8, 2017.”

“This session and assembly are closed.”

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