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Judge Ryan and Frazier Cross.

Frazier Glenn Cross, the white supremacist who killed three non-Jews at two Kansas City Jewish centers in August, yelled “Heil Hitler” at the Tuesday hearing in which his death sentence was upheld.

Judge Thomas Kelly Ryan affirmed the jury’s decision to send Cross to the death chambers. The 74-year-old white supremacist was evicted from the courtroom for his outburst and ended up watching to end of the trial on closed-circuit television.


Cross, known as Glenn Miller, also was sentenced to 394 months in jail for on various charges.

Relatives of the victims of the shooting spree at the Jewish Community Center and at a Jewish retirement community spoke during Tuesday’s trial.

Cross, acting as his own lawyer, made several motions for a new trial, two of his arguments being that he was the victim of unfair media coverage and that he could not speak when he wanted.

He also argued that Judge Ryan made gestures to “let the jury know he was on the side of conviction.”

Cross exposed his twisted mind by stating that he shouldn’t be sentence to death because all in all, he killed the wrong people and not Jews.

One relative of Cross victim’s said at the hearing:

Cross has said had wanted to murder as many Jews as possible because they have ‘too much power.’

He also said that because of his chronic emphysema, he doesn’t think he has much longer to live.

Click here to see Judge Ryan sentence Cross.



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Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu is a graduate in journalism and economics from The George Washington University. He has worked as a cub reporter in rural Virginia and as senior copy editor for major Canadian metropolitan dailies. Tzvi wrote for Arutz Sheva for several years before joining the Jewish Press.