Photo Credit: Ted Eytan
Tel Aviv People

For the third year in a row (2014, 15, 16), Tel Aviv is the number one Aliyah destination, having concluded 2016 with an additional 2,900 immigrants who chose to make Tel Aviv their new home in Israel, according to the Mayor of Tel Aviv-Jaffa. In the past year, Israel welcomed some 27,000 immigrants, according to a report by the Jewish Agency for Israel and the Ministry of Aliyah and Immigrant Absorption. 11% of the new immigrants chose to settle in Tel Aviv, the “Nonstop City.” The report also shows that most of the immigrants who arrived in Tel Aviv hailed from Russia (715), France (526) and the United States (252).

Immigration to Tel Aviv has come to be characterized by youth: approximately 9,500 of the new immigrants are between the ages of 18 and 35, joining a third of Tel Aviv’s population that is of the same age group.


Tel Aviv embodies many of the things these young professionals are looking for when they come to Israel. On top of Tel Aviv’s attractive beaches, nightlife and culinary scene, the Startup City is also home to 1,450 early stage startups, the highest amount of startups per capita. That constitutes 28 startups per square kilometer and 1 startup for every 290 residents. 2,400 of the Olim have a background in high-tech and engineering, a perfect match while the Tel Aviv startup scene is looking to scale-up to international markets, providing plenty of jobs for International immigrants.

The Tel Aviv-Jaffa Municipality supports the Aliyah and absorption of new immigrants by offering them unique career benefits, including workshops covering important topics such as job search, resume writing and entrepreneurship, offered in 3 languages. All activities are done in cooperation with the Ministry of Aliyah and Immigrant Absorption.

Tel Aviv-Jaffa Mayor Ron Huldai said in a statement: “Absorption and Aliyah is an important asset for Tel Aviv-Yafo, and I am proud that the support that this city is providing to immigrants, proved itself over the years. We feel honored and welcome the immigrants, who chose to make Tel Aviv their new home and contribute by making this city more interesting, diverse and cosmopolitan.”

Shlomo Maslawi, Chairman of the Immigration and Absorption Committee, said in a statement: “I am proud to be standing at the head of a municipal system determined to integrate immigrants effectively into the Tel Aviv-Yafo society. These new immigrants contribute immensely to the diversity of the local culture and economy. I would like to thank our partners at the Ministry of Aliyah and Immigrant Absorption who are working with us in order to make sure these new immigrants feel at home in Tel Aviv-Jaffa.”

Amir Dor, Director for the Department of Immigration Absorption, said in a statement: “I am happy and proud to be standing at the head of the municipal absorption department, which is devoted to providing new immigrants with the assistance they need, in a variety of languages, in order to help them build their home and future in Tel Aviv-Yafo.”

Tel Aviv Global & Tourism’s CEO, Eytan Schwartz: “Tel Aviv offers Young Jewish professionals from around the world an innovative and creative nonstop lifestyle that is comparable to global cities such as New York, London and Berlin. Out of the 61 cities studied, Tel Aviv was ranked 8th in the Global Cities Ranking.”

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