To Meet Increased Demand, Aliyah Organization Launches New Model for Absorption

“Many people are feeling the magnetic call to return to the national home of our people and to make their aliya dream into a reality.”

French Aliyah on Steroids May Follow Antisemitic Far-Left Victory

Some 700,000 French Jews are eligible to make Aliyah under the Law of Return.

French Couple Make Aliyah to Honor Son Who Fell in Gaza

Lucien and Marlene Elmkayes have chosen to live in Jerusalem “to ensure that the light of our son’s life will continue to shine despite his death.”

US Undergrads Advancing Hard Sciences Research at Bar-Ilan U

Fourteenth annual Summer Science Research Internship Program begins this week

15,000 New Olim Came to Israel Since October 7, Mostly Russians

But these figures were not cause for celebration for Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Affairs Committee Chair Forer.

Israeli Officials Encourage ‘Aliyah’ While Affirming US Jewish Communities Strong

“We’re absolutely not competing. We are completing each other,” said Ron Brummer, deputy director general at the Israeli Ministry of Diaspora Affairs and Combating Antisemitism.

Nefesh B’Nefesh Hosts Second Annual Financial Literacy Conference for Olim

“This conference provides strategies for preserving assets and preparing for recovery during turbulent times."

Hundreds of Young Olim in Fair Exploring their IDF Enlistment Options

More than 500 participants, aged 16-22, who have made Aliyah either on their own or with their families and are now required to enlist in the IDF, attended the fair.

1,100 New Olim Come to Bar Ilan Fair to Seek their Academic Future in...

"The immigration of young people and students during wartime is our answer to our enemies and those who wish to inflict harm upon us."

Israel Sees Increase in Aliyah Since October 7 Attack

Since October 7, 2023, a total of 12,745 immigrants have immigrated to Israel.

More than 400 Doctors and Dentists Attend Aliyah Fair in Paris

The MedEx campaign aims to recruit 2,000 physicians to address Israel's shortage.

Nefesh B’Nefesh Launches Medical Aliyah Program to Remedy Israel’s Physician Shortages

The objective of the International Medical Aliyah Program is to facilitate the Aliyah of 2,000 physicians over the next five years.

Pro-Hamas Protesters to Target Israeli Event at Teaneck Synagogue

"These protestors are here because we are here. They are seeking out and targeting Teaneck’s Jews."

Surge in Aliyah Applications Since War Began

Some 6,500 new immigrants came to Israel since the Hamas massacre.

Absorption Ministry: 494 Physicians and 83 Nurses Made Aliyah in 2023

The average age of physicians who immigrate to Israel is 41.4, and the median age is 37.

700 North Americans Make Aliyah Following Oct. 7 Attacks

Over 200 olim landed at Ben-Gurion Airport in the last week of 2023.

Birthright Israel Renewing Trips in January with ‘Security Top Priority’

Come mid-January, prospective participants can initiate their registration for the summer excursions via Birthright Israel's official website.

French Aliyah Skyrocketing Since Start of October 7th War

By 1 pm Paris time, 1,045 people were already there. Young families, students, those before enlistment age and after; everyone was there.

India’s ‘Lost Jews’ Celebrate Hanukkah

"This Hanukkah, the community unites in prayer, expressing collective hopes for the safety of Israel's soldiers and the secure return of all hostages in Gaza."

215 Bnei Menashe among IDF Soldiers Fighting Hamas, Hezbollah

“Since the war broke out, Shavei Israel has received hundreds of requests from young community members in northeastern India asking to make Aliyah immediately.”

Masa Medical Immigrants Can Replace Hippocratic Anarchists

Thousands of doctors streamed into Jerusalem last month to attend a rally organized by the Israel Medical Association (IMA) against a vote on the planned judicial reforms.

First: 215 US, Canada Olim Complete their Aliya Process on the Plane

About a quarter of the Olim on Wednesday’s flight have chosen to volunteer in the IDF.

Surprise Mothers and Lone Soldiers Reunion in Jerusalem

The Nefesh B’Nefesh Lone Soldiers Program facilitated an emotional meeting for 30 mothers of lone soldiers from around the world.

130 Ethiopian Olim Arrive in Israel, Second Phase of Operation Tzur Israel Complete

The new olim were immediately settled in 18 absorption centers across the country.

Nefesh B’Nefesh Holds First Ever ‘Olim Market’

There were about 40 vendors at the Shuk Olim, displaying and selling their unique products from all around Israel.

Aliyah and “Pioneering” at Gush Etzion’s Mt. Kanub Farm

One hundred and fifty new immigrants gathered this week at the Mount Kanub Farm in southeastern Gush Etzion for a “pioneering” event, planting trees, working in the vineyards, feeding sheep and working the soil with their hands.

Great-Granddaughter of MDA Volunteer Arrives from Brazil to Follow in his Footsteps

Moshe Darevski, Ilana Smeltz's great-grandfather, immigrated to Israel in 1933 and volunteered for many years with MDA in Tel Aviv.

Nefesh B’Nefesh Holds Homecoming Barbecue for Summer Olim

The special barbecue followed the annual Celebrate Israel Parade in New York City, but no anarchists were present to ruin the fun.


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