Photo Credit: Noam Revkin Fenton/Flash90
Israeli volunteers help out with the Cherry Tomatoes harvest in Moshav Ein HaBesor, southern Israel, November 11, 2023.

Amidst the ongoing conflict in Israel, the agricultural sector finds itself grappling with an unexpected crisis: a mass exodus of foreign workers in the wake of the war, leaving farms bereft of crucial labor. In response to this dire situation, a remarkable display of solidarity and support has emerged.

Efforts spearheaded by the collaborative partnership between “Netafim” and the “HaShomer HaChadash” organization have birthed a unique volunteering model. This innovative approach strategically engages business entities to swiftly alleviate the challenges faced by farmers, and their recent foray has seen the participation of influential figures.


The pioneering step taken by 50 senior CEOs from various prominent companies, representing the YPO organization, symbolizes a pivotal moment. Notably, names such as Netafim, AIG, Samelet, Cal, Masav, Cargo Amerford Group, ActiveTrail, John Bryce Training, Getter Graphics, and Cibus Israel have banded together, showcasing a united front of support for the agricultural sector.

Israeli senior executives banded together to help farmers in the wake of the foreign workers’ flight. / HaShomer HaChadash

Their recent endeavor involved laboring in the lemon orchards of “Alfasi Fruits,” a farm specializing in the cultivation, processing, sorting, and marketing of citrus fruits, under the stewardship of Ronen Alfasi near Kibbutz Givat Haim Meuhad.

The ongoing volunteering initiatives, meticulously coordinated by Netafim and facilitated through the headquarters of “HaShomer HaChadash,” signify a broader movement to unite willing volunteers with farmers in dire need. The joint efforts have not been limited to a singular location, with thousands of volunteers from “HaShomer HaChadash” and JNF USA converging to aid farmers both in the Gaza envelope area and across the country.

Israeli volunteers work at in a greenhouse at a Moshav in the Sharon area, November 6, 2023. /  Yossi Zamir/Flash90

Gaby Miodownik, the esteemed CEO and President of Netafim, aptly encapsulated the ethos driving this concerted effort. “Netafim operates on several levels,” he affirmed, “to assist not only the communities surrounding Israel but also the farmers across the nation. Israeli agriculture stands as a pillar of national resilience, and our commitment to supporting it remains unwavering until normalcy is restored.”

The collaborative spirit demonstrated by these CEOs and their respective companies reflects a beacon of hope amid tumultuous times, underlining a collective commitment to restore stability to Israel’s vital agricultural landscape.

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