Photo Credit: IDF Spokesperson's Unit
Military vests used by the elite Hamas Nukhba commando unit were found hidden in UNRWA "wheat flour" bags in a Gaza City medical clinic.

A Gazan civilian has told IDF intelligence officers of Unit 504 that Hamas murdered his cousin for trying to get help from the United Nations humanitarian aid organization, UNRWA.


“When will you get rid of them (Hamas)?” an exasperated Gazan asks the IDF intelligence officer.

Another Gaza civilian who works at WKSA, the American World Kitchen, told the IDF that Hamas operatives have tried several times to steal food intended for civilians that is delivered to the site. “I wish they would steal [just] food,” he told the IDF, adding, “They steal (equipment, supplies) from warehouses of the agency (UNRWA).”

Multiple Gazan civilians testified to the terror organization’s ongoing cynical and systematic use and abuse of civilians in the Gaza Strip in conversations with Unit 504 officers.

In a different conversation, a Gazan civilian said he does not leave his home because he fears Hamas will seize it and use the property to fire toward Israel and destroy his house.

This may explain, at least in part, why Gazan civilians prefer to face the risk of combat rather than leave their homes and contend with the risk of having their homes seized by Hamas terrorists for use as a shelter from which to fire at IDF soldiers, and then likely losing his home after IDF soldiers return fire to remove the threat.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.