Photo Credit: IDF Spokesperson's Unit
Commander of the 36th Division, Brigadier General Dado Bar Kalifa, and Commander of the Golani Reconnaissance Unit, Colonel David at the missile production site

Israeli fighters have taken control of the largest weapons production site found since the beginning of the war. The site included an underground missile manufacturing site used to produce long-range missiles with ranges of between 100 kilometers (62 miles) to 120 kilometers (75 miles), capable of reaching northern Israel.

Long-range rockets at a Hamas weapons production facility; these have a range of 100 km and are powerful enough to reach northern Israel from Gaza.

According to the IDF, the Hamas weapons factories were located in tunnels and areas along and beneath a kilometer and a half (1 mile) segment of Gaza’s main north-south highway, Salah a-Din Road in Bureij.


In recent weeks, the 36th Division has been operating in Bureij in central Gaza, a dense civilian area used by Hamas terrorists to manufacture large quantities of weapons that were used by the terrorist organization during the October 7th massacre. A chemical lab that produced fuel for the rockets and missiles was also discovered.

Soldiers of the 188th and Golani brigades uncovered several tunnel shafts reaching a depth of approximately 30 meters and, following precise intelligence, exposed a terrorist stronghold used to manufacture weapons.

Underground elevator used to reach Hamas weapons production facility.

The soldiers also located many other underground production facilities used for the manufacturing of long-range rockets, explosives and accuracy enhancers for Hamas’s mortar shells, light weapons and UAVs. Additionally, the forces killed dozens of terrorists in the area.

The 188th Brigade also secured control of the headquarters of the Hamas Bureij Battalion. During the operation, an observation control center was found.

The Golani Brigade located the largest weapons production site discovered since the beginning of the war.

In the area, the soldiers found components for long-range rockets that could be fired from the Gaza Strip as far as northern Israel, as well as mortar shells, explosives and ammunition.

Hamas rockets and weapons manufacturing facility, the largest found so far in Gaza by Israeli forces.

The area is connected through underground tunnel shafts to a branched tunnel network that was used to transport weapons to all the battalions of the Hamas terrorist organization throughout the Gaza Strip. Around a dozen tunnel entrances were found there together with the Hamas Bureij Battalion headquarters.

“Since the beginning of the war, Hamas has indiscriminately fired thousands of rockets from the Gaza Strip at Israel, endangering civilian lives across the country,” the IDF said. “This intelligence-based divisional operation has significantly impacted the enemy’s capability to produce and enhance these weapons.”

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.