Photo Credit: Vladimir Lyubarsky's Facebook page
Ronen Lubarsky

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas on Thursday ordered the rebuilding with PA funding of the Abu Hmeid family home in the Amari refugee camp in Ramallah. In May, 2018, Islam Abu Hmeid murdered Duvdevan special force warrior Ronen Lubarsky, 20, by dropping a slab of marble on his head from a window.

The house was demolished Thursday morning by the IDF corps of engineers. The Palestinian Authority financed the reconstruction of the house once before.


According to WAFA, clashes erupted between camp youths and the soldiers during the operation. The soldiers fired dozens of teargas canisters and stun grenades at the youths, injuring 11 and detaining a few.

This is the fourth time Israel demolishes the Abu Hmeid residence for the terrorist activities of family members, the first taking place in 1994 and the second in 2004. Four members of this beleaguered family are serving several life terms and a fifth is being held in administrative detention. A sixth member was killed by the Israeli army.

Islam Abu Hmeid is also expected to receive at least one life sentence when his trial concludes.

Ronen Lubarsky was member of the IDF elite Duvdevan unit, which was sent to arrest members of a terror cell who were planning shooting attacks against Israel. During the arrest raid, Islam Abu Hmeid dropped a heavy slab of marble from a third story window. The marble struck Ronen on his head, shattering his helmet. He was evacuated to Hadassah Ein Kerem’s intensive care unit in critical condition. Two days later, on May 26, Ronen succumbed to his wound.

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