Photo Credit: Flash 90
Masked Arab smoking a cigarette outside Beit El, October 27, 2015.

An IDF soldier was seriously injured on Friday morning by a stone slab that an Arab terrorist hit his head with several times.

According to the initial investigation, the terrorist managed to infiltrate and penetrate the guard post adjacent to the settlement of Beit El, in Samaria, where the soldier was standing. During the struggle between the two, the terrorist hit the soldier several times with a large stone slab from a short distance. The terrorist then fled and IDF forces are searching the area to locate him. The soldier was evacuated to the Hadassah Ein Karem Medical Center in Jerusalem.


IDF, Shabak forces, Border Police and Israel Police forces overnight arrested 40 wanted persons suspected of involvement in terrorist activities and in violent disturbances in Judea and Samaria. 37 of the detainees are known as Hamas operatives. The detainees were transferred for interrogation by the security forces.

It should be noted that both the murders in Givat Asaf this week and Friday’s attack in Beit El were committed by terrorists against IDF soldiers whose specific job was to protect against Arab terrorists.

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