Photo Credit: Courtesy
Esther Horgan HY'D

Esther Horgan (52), a mother of six, was brutally murdered on Sunday afternoon, December 21, 2020, while she was going for a jog in a popular nature reserve near her home. After she didn’t come home and her husband was unable to contact her, search parties were sent out to look for her. She was found dead later that night, her skull bashed in, in the Reichan forest, near her community.

A suspect was arrested by the Police’s Elite Yamam counterterrorism unit. He is an Arab from a Palestinian Authority controlled village next to the city of Jenin, according to the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency).


Horgan, 52 and a resident of Tal Menashe in northern Samaria, was an artist and a marriage counselor. She was the mother of two daughters and four sons. The youngest of them is 13 years old and celebrated his bar mitzvah only three months ago.

החשד לרצח בצפון השומרון: תיעוד אחרון ממצלמות אבטחה של האישה שנמצאה הלילה מתה סמוך ליער ריחן@carmeldangor

Reichan and the nature reserve are on the pre-67 side of the nature reserve.

Horgan is the third Israeli to be murdered in 2020. Rabbi Shai Ohayon, a father of four, was stabbed to death by a terrorist in August after he got off a bus to go shopping near Petach Tikva. IDF soldier Amit Ben Yigal was killed in action in May when a terrorist dropped a rock on his head from a rooftop.

Content by Aryeh Savir/TPS was used in this report.

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