Photo Credit: Twitter
The final CCTV image of the victim going out on a jog, Dec. 20, 2020

Esther Horgan, 52, a resident of Samaria, was found lifeless last Monday night in the Reichan forest in northern Samaria, with signs of violence on her body.

Esther Horgan HY’D / Courtesy

An MDA team called to the scene determined her death. Police said the murdered woman’s family reported her absence earlier in the day and a suspicion of a nationalist Arab motive for is being investigated.

Scene of the terror attack in the Reichan Nature Reserve. Dec. 21, 2020. / Ehud Amiton / TPS

From Kan 11 on Twitter: Head of Samaria Regional Council Yossi Dagan, and the last CCTV image of the victim

החשד לרצח בצפון השומרון: תיעוד אחרון ממצלמות אבטחה של האישה שנמצאה הלילה מתה סמוך ליער ריחן@carmeldangor

Early Sunday afternoon the 52-year-old Israeli mother of six (the youngest is 13) went for a run in the Reichan nature preserve near her home in Tal Menashe, Northern Samaria. When she didn’t return home, her husband alerted the authorities who conducted a search and rescue operation. Around 1:45 AM Monday, rescue teams found the murdered woman’s body and informed her family.

MDA paramedic Assaf Tapuhi reported: “When we arrived at the scene police led us to the body of an unconscious 52-year-old woman. We performed medical tests, she was not breathing, without a pulse and without any signs of life. We soon had to determine her death.”

Head of Samaria Regional Council Yossi Dagan arrived at the scene of the murder and said: “A dear woman, full of goodness, going out at noon for a sports activity one minute from her home – what kind of barbarians are we facing? But the nation of Israel will win, they will not break us.”

May her memory be a blessing, and her family comforted among the mourners of Zion and Yerushalayim.

Reichan and the nature reserve are on the pre-67 side of the nature reserve.

Horgan is the third Israeli to be murdered in 2020. Rabbi Shai Ohayon, a father of four, was stabbed to death by a terrorist in August after he got off a bus to go shopping near Petach Tikva. IDF soldier Amit Ben Yigal was killed in action in May when a terrorist dropped a rock on his head from a rooftop.

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