Photo Credit: European Commission DG ECHO

The State Department is sitting on a classified report that states what anyone who reads the first paragraph in Wikipedia about the UN agency caring for Arabs who left Mandatory Palestine during Israel’s 1948 War of Independence: after 70 years, those refugees are almost all gone.

According to that classified State Dept. report, The Washington Free Beacon reported Thursday, the actual number of authentic refugees hovers around 20,000.


One of the questions on the FAQ page of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) website is: “Who is a Palestine refugee,” the answer to which is: “The operational definition of a Palestine refugee is any person whose “normal place of residence was Palestine during the period June 1, 1946 to May 15, 1948, and who lost both home and means of livelihood as a result of the 1948 conflict.”

The FAQ page then continues: “Palestine refugees are persons who fulfil the above definition and descendants of fathers fulfilling the definition.”

In other words, a person who was born in a refugee camp somewhere in the Middle East and lived there all his life, never having been inside Israel, is considered as if he himself had been uprooted from Palestine between 1946 and 1948. Which is why UNRWA, whose original list of uprooted dependants included 860,000 persons, today cares for more than five million, in Judea and Samaria, Gaza, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.

There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that UNRWA was created to make sure that some day Israel would be forced to resettle within its borders not only those whose feet touched the ground there before 1948, but all their offspring. There is also no doubt that UNRWA was created to cultivate a demographic time bomb specifically against the Jewish State. Because, unlike all the other refugee agencies, UNRWA is the only one dedicated to prevent the rehabilitation of its clients by keeping them as eternal refugees.

UNRWA is the only refugee agency which is separate from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the main UN refugee agency, which is responsible for aiding non-Palestinian refugees all over the world. Unlike UNRWA, UNHCR has a specific mandate to aid its refugees to eliminate their refugee status by local integration in the country to which they fled, resettlement in a third country, or repatriation when possible.

In other words, while UNHCR’s business is to cut down on the number of displaced persons by helping them move on with their lives, UNRWA is dedicated to keep them displaced – to the tune of at least $1.1 billion annually, the US share of which in 2016 has been $368 million.

That’s a lot of mullah for 20,000 actual refugees.

According to the Beacon, any US official who wishes to read the report must have top-secret security clearance and access to a secure facility containing the documents.

Or plug “UNRWA” and “UNHCR” in their Wikipedia search window.

According to the Beacon, The UNRWA report was first commissioned in 2015 by former senator Mark Kirk (R-Ill.), who then forwarded a congressional amendment to require the State Department to provide Congress with a report on the number of refugees served by UNRWA who actually lived in the territory now known as Israel between 1946 and 1948. But the State Department classified its report, and never informed the senator.

When Congress heard about it in 2017, it directed the State Department to provide an unclassified version of the report – which was ignored.

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