Photo Credit: Mike Leibsohn / Wikimedia
The Bedouin town of Hura, located along Highway 31 in southern Israel, between Be'er Sheva and Arad.

Indictments have been filed against two Bedouins, aged 20 and 21 from Tel Sheba and Hura, in the Negev region. It was released for publication that the two were arrested in September after making contact with a Hamas terrorist in Gaza.

Two acted on the Hamas terrorist’s behalf, first transfering money and then agreeing to transfer guns for the terrorist.


In an unrelated event, another Bedouin, age 37, from Tel Sheba was caught speeding at 238 kph (147 mph) on Road 6. This wasn’t his first time getting caught. He is reportedly about to be an intern at Tel HaShomer hospital, but the hospital says they don’t recognize his name.

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