Photo Credit: Gila Esther
Residents of Mizpeh Yericho thank Ben & Jerry's Israel

In a brand-new town communal pool, symbolizing the growth of the community of Mitzpeh Yericho, an out of the ordinary ice cream party took place.

Hundreds of children gathered to eat Ben and Jerry’s ice cream in Mitzpeh Yericho on Friday – but also to thank the Ben & Jerry’s Israel ice cream company for sticking with them against the BDS (Boycott, Divest and Sanction) assault by the company’s corporate board in Vermont, US.


Although the boycott sounded unbelievable to the residents, they took it seriously, and said thank you with their feet and palates to the Israeli franchise of Ben and Jerry’s who stood by them.

“How are we going to express our gratitude to Avi Zinger, the owner of Ben and Jerry’s Israel, for standing up for us all the way in Mitzpeh Yericho?” many of the residents of Mitzpeh Yericho wondered. They realized a thank you note and social media posts weren’t enough.

They decided that purchasing a large amount of ice cream and throwing a party at the town’s pool was a festive way of showing its gratitude to the company who stood up for them. So, with generous sponsors from Florida and volunteers from the NCSY Summer Kollel, Mitzpeh Yericho threw a glorious summer ice cream party.

Avi Solomon, a sponsor of the party and the organizer of the many sponsors from all over the world said,
“I wanted to step in and contribute to support Israel’s Ben & Jerry’s position, which was to refuse to give in to Ben & Jerry’s Corporate and to continue serving all the people of Israel. I reached out to the Rabbi [Uri Pilichowski] and, together, worked on a plan to provide Ben & Jerry’s to the entire Mitzpeh Yericho. In one day, we had dozens of people, Jews and non-Jews alike, donate to help make it a reality. Everyone who donated wanted to support Ben & Jerry’s Israel for their unwavering commitment to push back against boycotting the Jewish state.”

Mitzpeh Yericho’s mayor, Aliza Pilichowski said, “We in Mitzpeh Yericho are grateful to Avi Zinger and his staff for their support for the Jewish people and specifically to Yehuda & Shomron.”

Mizpeh Yericho is a community some 20 kilometers east of Jerusalem, heading towards the Dead Sea, with a population of over 2500 people. The town has a mixed religious and non-religious population.

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