Photo Credit: Nadav Elimelech / Knesset Channel / Twitter
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on July 15, 2023

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he’s feeling “very good” after having been taken to the hospital on Saturday on the recommendation of his personal physician, Dr. Zvi Berkowitz.

He has been admitted to the cardiac unit at Sheba Medical Center in Ramat Gan for observation.


The prime minister’s office (PMO) said in a statement that Netanyahu, who is 73, “complained of mild dizziness” following a visit on Friday at Lake Kinneret, where he spent hours in the hot sun.

“Yesterday I was with my wife at Lake Kinneret, in the sun, without a hat, without water,” Netanyahu said in a video statement released from Sheba at around 7:15 pm Saturday night. “Not a good idea,” he smiled.

The prime minister was apparently sailing on the Kinneret during his family outing.

“I first of all want to thank all of you for your concern and to thank the excellent medical teams here at Sheba who checked me. Thank God I feel very good. But I have one request of you: we are in the middle of a heat wave, so I ask of you – spend less time in the sun, drink more water and may we all have a good week.”

The prime minister was spending the weekend at his home in Caesarea when he was brought by convoy to the emergency room, fully conscious and walking unaided. He was accompanied by his wife Sara and his son Avner.

Unconfirmed reports by Haaretz and Walla! News, both Hebrew-language news outlets, said Netanyahu fainted at home. Israel’s Channel 12 News reported without confirmation the prime minister had also complained of chest pains.

Sources at the hospital cited by The Jerusalem Post said the prime minister hit his head when he fainted. He underwent a brain imaging procedure to ensure there was no brain damage from the fall, and a cardiac examination to make sure his heart rhythm was normal, according to the report.

The findings of initial tests were normal, and the initial assessment was dehydration.

“On the recommendation of the medical staff, the prime minister continues to undergo additional routine tests,” the PMO said.

President Isaac Herzog and Opposition Leader Yair Lapid both wished Netanyahu a speedy recovery in separate statements.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.