Photo Credit: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90
Jonathan Pollard

In May of this year, the court decided that Jonathan Pollard would not be allowed to get a gun license in Israel.

Pollard initially requested a gun license in April 2022, using his travels in Judea and Samaria for speaking at conferences as his eligibility criteria. He included a recommendation letter from Shomron Regional Council head Yossi Dagan for support.


At the time, Pollard was turned down as he didn’t meet any of the basic eligibility criteria for getting a gun license. Personal gun licenses are difficult to get in Israel and one has to meet one of several criteria in order to receive one, but it is not considered a basic or constitutional right as it is in the US.

After several entreaties, Pollard even turned to his lawyer Larry Dubb to turn to Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir to get him a license.

In his decision, the judge warmly praised Pollard for his service, and stated that his decision in no way belittles Pollard’s service and contribution to the State of Israel or the personal price he paid, but that Pollard simply does not meet any of the strict eligibility requirements needed to get a gun license.

Galei Tzahal radio reports that National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir decided to personally intervene in this case. Such interventions are very unusual.

Over the past few weeks Ben-Gvir held discussions with professionals in his office on how Pollard could be permitted to get a gun license. People close to Ben-Gvir said it made no sense that someone who sacrificed his life for the state of Israel shouldn’t be allowed to get a gun for self-defense.

It was announced today that thanks to Ben-Gvir’s intervention, Jonathan Pollard will be getting his gun license within the next few days.

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