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PA Arab administrative detainees were released from Ofer Prison, February 29, 2024.

The holy Zohar teaches us that everything depends on luck, even the Torah scroll in the Temple (Zohar part 3, 134a), and by luck we also mean timing, such as the fact that the IDF chose to announce the release from Ofer security prison of 40 PA administrative detainees suspected of aiding terrorism on the same day another PA Arab sprayed a gas station in Eli, in Binyamin, with bullets, killing two Israelis (2 Israelis Killed by Palestinian Authority Cop in Eli Terror Attack).

The IDF and the Shin Bet stated that the releases were due to “the shortage of space in the prisons,” and “to make room for detainees with a higher threat level.”


The IDF and Shin Bet also stated that these administrative detainees were going to end their detention in the coming month, meaning the holy month of Ramadan and that the decision was made based on an assessment of the situation by all the security agencies.

Traditionally, the holy month of Ramadan is when Israel goes out of its way with occasionally insane goodwill gestures, and in return, Muslims murder more Jews.

The Israel Prison Service clarified that it has no discretion regarding the release of detainees and that it complied with the instructions of the security agencies.

Arab social networks rejoiced.

And national Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir issued an angry statement lumping everything into two instructive paragraphs:

“The administrative detainees who were released tonight from prison were not released due to lack of space in the prisons but due to the direct instruction of the head of the Shin Bet as a ‘tribute’ for Ramadan. The prison service had no discretion in the matter.

“It is alarming that on the day when two Jews were murdered, the head of the Shin Bet chooses to pay tribute to the murderers, and this takes place one day after, at the Shin Bet’s request, the administrative detention of a Jewish settler was extended for the second time.”

On Tuesday, one day before the end of his administrative detention term expired, Ariel Danino’s detention was extended by Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. Danino, a father of four and resident of Kumi Uri in Yitzhar, was placed in administrative detention some three weeks after the start of the war after it was alleged that he managed a network of volunteers monitoring online information about Arab terrorist organizing.

MK Tsvi Sukkot (Religious Zionism) responded on Thursday: “I am ashamed of the government’s policy which I support as a coalition member. Releasing dozens of terrorists for no reason, hours after an attack is a crime and gives fuel to terrorism and the murder of Jews. We must correct the thinking patterns that have taken root in the system, as quickly as possible.”

Thursday night, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu boasted to the press that in the Judea and Samaria war theater, the IDF had eliminated 400 terrorists. But what he defined as an unprecedented number, does not attest to a war, only to a tiny loosening of the rules of engagement. Compared to the massive cropping of Hamas terrorists in Gaza, this number is a joke. And the fact that the Shin Bet and the IDF are even detaining terrorist suspects, never mind awarding them early releases, instead of mowing them down because they’re enemy combatants belies the PM’s suggestion of there being a war.

As to MK Sukkot’s alert regarding our dire need to fix the security system – it appears that the security system is much better at fixing us.

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