Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat officially declared that he won’t be running for a third term as mayor of Jerusalem, but will instead be throwing his hat into the national ring, and will be running for a Knesset seat on the Likud list.

He clearly has his eyes set on eventually sitting in the Prime Minister’s seat.


In a video Barkat released on his Facebook page, Barkat said:

“Residents of Jerusalem, Citizens of Israel. I decided to serve Israel on a national level and to strengthen the Likud movement.

After Jerusalem got on the right track, I will not run for a third term as mayor.

Sixteen years ago, I left my entire business and devoted myself, for the salary of 1 shekel a year, to saving Jerusalem, the city where I grew up and established my family. For a decade and together with many partners, first and foremost, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, we made a historic turn and brought Jerusalem back to growth with the largest budget in the city’s history.

After Jerusalem was on the right track, I decided that I will not run for a third term as mayor.

At the end of my term, I will leave the municipality, but I will never leave Jerusalem.

The success of united Jerusalem, the eternal capital of the Jewish people, is the success of the State of Israel.

Now, I have decided to serve the State of Israel on a national level and to strengthen the Likud movement which I believe with all my heart and intend to seek the support of its members in the upcoming elections.

My father always wished me and my brothers that we would serve the State of Israel without having to ask for anything in return.

In every role that the public will impose on me, I will continue to serve for just one shekel [salary] a year, and will harness my experience and skills as a paratrooper officer, as a high-tech entrepreneur and as the leader of the most fascinating and complex city to manage, for you, the citizens of Israel.”

Prime Minister Netanyahu, met with Barkat on Sunday morning, congratulated him, saying “You know what I say to people crazy enough to take on the burden of public service – congratulations and my condolences. At this point I’ll say congratulations! I am very pleased that we will continue to cooperate, we did it well as mayor and prime minister, and now, I welcome you with open arms into our movement.”

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