Photo Credit: Dror Altman/Kfar Etzion
One of the damaged trees in Kfar Etzion. Oct. 2, 2022

Arab terrorists caused significant damage to the orchards of Kfar Etzion on Saturday night after they hurled burning tires and firebombs into the community’s agricultural areas.

Footprints of five terrorists found at the scene of the attack led to the nearby Arab village of Safa.


Gush Etzion Regional Council Head Shlomo Ne’eman stated that “agricultural terrorism is terrorism in every sense of the word. We will not accept rock throwing in Arab Tekoa, or arson terror in the orchards of Kfar Etzion.”

He called on the IDF and the security authorities to “crack down on the terrorists.”

Arab vandalism of Israeli-owned agricultural endeavors is a common occurrence, and Israeli vineyards and fields in Judea and Samaria have been repeatedly targeted by Arab sabotage.

A similar incident occurred on Saturday afternoon when Arab rioters from the village of Jania set a tire on fire and caused a massive blaze. The fire spread between the Israeli communities of Talmon and Dolev. Large firefighting teams with the help of planes fought the flames and prevented the spread of the fire towards the homes.

The road connecting the two communities was damaged and the forest in the area was also damaged.

There were no casualties in both attacks.

Yisrael Gantz, head of the Benyamin Regional Council, warned that “we are seeing an uptick in the boldness of our enemy. The minister of defense must order the IDF to act as if there were casualties here so that the Arabs of the region get a clear message.”

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Aryeh Savir is director of the International division of Tazpit News Agency.