Photo Credit: Ella Agra / Nature and Parks Authority
Ram calves in the rain, March 14, 2023.

The Yotvata Hai-Bar Nature Preserve is a 3,000-acre breeding and re-acclimation center of the Israel Nature Reserves & National Parks Authority, locate in the Southern Arava desert near Yotvata. And over the past two days, it experienced this:

Yotvata Hai-Bar Nature Reserve floods, March 14, 2023. / Ella Agra / Nature and Parks Authority

To the brand-new ram calves who until this week had known only sunshine and dry sands, the rain was a wonderful surprise.

Ram calves in the rain, March 14, 2023. / Ella Agra / Nature and Parks Authority
Ram calves in the rain, March 14, 2023. / Ella Agra / Nature and Parks Authority
Ram calves in the rain, March 14, 2023. / Ella Agra / Nature and Parks Authority

And then, because it’s a desert and rain there is a fleeting event, the sun came out again and the floods turned into puddles. As they should.

The Yotvata Hai-Bar Nature Preserve after the rain, March 14, 2023. / Ziv Vidan / Nature and Parks Authority
The Yotvata Hai-Bar Nature Preserve after the rain, March 14, 2023. / Ziv Vidan / Nature and Parks Authority

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