Photo Credit: Loozrboy
Queers Against Israeli Apartheid rally in Toronto, July 4, 2010.

Seventy-seven percent of the NGOs cited in Amnesty International’s damning report against Israel (Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians) were Israeli organizations that received a total of $105,209,347 (NIS 337,553,677) from foreign governments since 2012, Im Tirtzu reported on Sunday.

According to Im Tirtzu, Amnesty International’s report accusing Israel of being an apartheid state was heavily based on information provided by “radical anti-Zionist” Israeli NGOs.


Throughout the 280-page report, 26 NGOs (16 of them Israeli) were cited 597 times out of the total 1559 citations in the report.

Of the 597 citations, 461 (77%) came from controversial Israeli NGOs that receive extensive funding from foreign governments.

The most cited Israeli NGO was B’Tselem (98 citations), which itself published a report last year accusing Israel of being an apartheid state, followed by Adalah (83), Ir Amim (44), and HaMoked (41).

The most cited non-Israeli NGOs were Al-Haq (34 citations), which was designated as a terrorist group by Israel in October 2021; Human Rights Watch (34); Norwegian Refugee Council (23); and Al Mezan (12). Addameer, which like Al-Haq was designated as a terror group by Israel, was cited 10 times.

Since 2012, the largest anti-Israel recipient of foreign government funding is B’Tselem with $19,432,237 (NIS 62,346,393), followed by Yesh Din with $15,201,109 (NIS 48,771,240), HaMoked with $11,981,150 (NIS 38,440,323), and Gisha with $10,287,840 (NIS 33,007,507).

“Amnesty’s report is merely another anti-Israel hit job made possible by foreign governments who employ radical anti-Zionist Israeli NGOs to spearhead their attack on Israel,” said Im Tirtzu CEO Matan Peleg.

“Israeli decision-makers must understand that the phenomenon of massive foreign government funding is a real threat to Israel’s continued existence,” Peleg added. “No other country would be willing to allow foreign government-funded organizations to operate with impunity in its territory while slandering and calling to prosecute its soldiers, promoting international pressure against it, calling to boycott its products, and providing legal defense to terrorists and their families.”

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