Photo Credit: Achim Laneshek tweeter screenshot
Leftist goons blocking the exit of Pnei Kedem, home of MK Simcha Rothman, Feb. 20, 2023.

The Knesset plenum is preparing to start the debate at 6:00 PM and vote around 10 PM or later, on Monday, on a preliminary vote on two parts of the Netanyahu government’s judicial reform: one changing the composition of the committee to appoint judges; the other restricting the Supreme Court’s ability to revoke laws. The left has declared a “Day of National Struggle,” and sent bands of goons that planted themselves around the homes of right-wing MKs, in an attempt to prevent them from voting.

As of 9:30 AM, Monday, thousands are demonstrating across the country, blocking roads and major thoroughfares. In Tel Aviv, the protesters blocked the Namir-Rokah highway and the KKL interchange of Ayalon Highway. Protesters in Herzliya blocked the beach road and the boat intersection, and in Be’er Sheva protesters are standing on the road at the northern entrance to the city on Sderot Reger Street.


“Democracy lovers” block MK Simcha Rothman from leaving his home to vote in the Knesset.
״הדמוקרטים״ חוסמים את המכוניות של יו״ר ועדת חוקה, רוטמן ושל שכניו.

Preventing lawmakers from voting us is how they are saving democracy, apparently.

Democracy lovers are planning to block traffic in Tel Aviv, Haifa, and Jerusalem, starting at 8:00 AM, Monday, the police have warned about disruptions and congestion, urging citizens to choose alternative routes.

“Democracy lovers” trying to prevent MK Gotlieb from leaving her home to vote.
בוקר טוב פיד!

Several dozen activists are blocking the exits from the Pnei Kedem settlement in Gush Etzion, home of the chairman of the Constitution, Law, and Justice Committee, MK Simcha Rothman (Religious Zionism). The demonstrators are calling him “criminal,” and “head of a criminal organization,” for daring to carry out the wishes of about two and a half million right-wing voters.

Israel Police reported arresting eight leftist goons who tried to block the exit from their homes of Education Minister Yoav Kisch (Ramat Gan) and MK Tali Gottlieb (Givat Shmuel), both from Likud.

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