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Ahead of Passover, the FBI is “particularly concerned that lone actors could target large gatherings, high profile events or symbolic or religious locations for violence,” Christopher Wray, the bureau’s director, said on a call earlier this week.

“Between Oct. 7 and Jan. 30 of this year, we opened over three times more anti-Jewish hate crime investigations than in the four months before Oct. 7,” Wray said on the call, which the nonprofit Secure Community Network organized.


SCN is the “official homeland security and safety initiative of the organized Jewish community in North America,” per its site.

“Unprecedented threats do not need to equate to unnecessary fear or panic,” said Michael Masters, CEO and national director of SCN.

“Rest assured that those focused on the safety and security of the community are maintaining a laser-like focus on this so Jewish life can exist and thrive,” he said.

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