Photo Credit: Twitter screenshot
The offending scribble

Last Monday, the Campaign Against Antisemitism tweeted: “Two weeks ago, a member of the public sent off a passport application to the UK Home Office for his five-months-old baby girl. Today, the birth certificate was returned ripped, with the word ‘Israel’ scribbled out. The parents are understandably very concerned about this incident. We are asking the Home Office to investigate how this happened. The Home Office has responsibility for law enforcement and the security of the Jewish community.”

“Confidence in the authorities is at painfully low levels and must be restored,” the CAA noted.


The member of the public is a father of three named Israel, 32, an engineer, and his wife Dorin, 29, whose baby girl Ronnie’s passport application with her birth certificate was maligned.

“They ripped halfway through and my place of birth – which was Israel – had been scribbled out with a pen,” Israel told MailOnline.

They said the affair made them feel “as if we had been taken back to 1930s Germany.”


Home Secretary James Cleverly promptly apologized for the offense, and Home Office staff revealed that Cleverly had ordered an investigation, and the private contractor who works for the Home Office was suspended. Then, on Wednesday, the Secretary said the contractor fired the employees who committed the offense.

Cleverly tweeted on Wednesday: “We apologize to the family for the offense caused and I have ordered an urgent review of a birth certificate being defaced. While we establish the facts, our commercial partner has suspended some staff. The matter is totally unacceptable. We will not tolerate antisemitism.”

Clearly, that wasn’t going to happen in 1930s Germany. Heck, not even in 1930s England.

“I hope whoever this public servant is, is banned,” Israel told MailOnline, and added, “I would like to sue them personally for the damage they have carried out to my daughter’s birth certificate, my property. The Government absolutely needs to make sure when they get people working in their system they should be vetted and everything should be checked to ensure they are not part of a hate gang or any sort of hateful organization.”

“It is completely warped and it hurts my heart that my daughter is not even six months old and she has already been discriminated on in the worst way,” he added.

The Boemestrasse Synagogue in Frankfurt, Germany, burning on November 10, 1938. / Yad VashemI’m just saying.

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