Photo Credit: Haim Twito
Memorial event for fallen Haredi IDF soldiers, April 24, 2023.

More than 1,200 members of Israel’s Haredi community participated Monday evening in a moving event held at Heichal Shlomo hall in Jerusalem in memory of the IDF soldiers fallen in battle. The evening was dedicated to the memory of the fallen soldiers of the Haredi IDF battalions, including those who served in the original Haredi brigade, the Nahal Haredi, and the soldiers of the Haredi service tracks in today’s IDF.

The Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem, Rabbi Shlomo Moshe Amar, attended the ceremony alongside HaGaon Rabbi David Yosef, member of Mo’etzet Chachmei HaTora, the bereaved families, members and rabbis of the Netzach Yehuda association, the Head of Recruitment at the Defense Ministry, Udi Dror, Head of IDF Human Resources, Brigadier General Amir Vadmani, Head of the Haredi Administration, Lt. Col. Rabbi Amir Zuzut, representatives of the IDF and the Haredi Administration, Haredi soldiers and veterans, rabbis, and other dignitaries.


The government was represented by Adjunct Minister in the Ministry of Education Haim Biton, Minister of Communications Shlomo Karai, Minister of Heritage Amichai Eliyahu, MKs Yoni Mashriki, Avraham Bezalel, and Erez Malul, and former MK Maj. Gen. Uzi Dayan.

In a moving moment, Singer Moshe Feld, together with an officer from the Netzach Yehuda Battalion, took the stage to sing “Ani Ma’amin,” accompanied by a choir, and the audience got up on its feet and sang along.

The CEO of Netzach Yehuda Association, Yossi Levy, said: “This is the fifth year of the tradition we started, an evening where all sectors of the people of Israel, religious and traditional, pure Torah scholars alongside holy soldiers, come together to bear the burden of bereavement, to support the abyss of pain without a balm of the families so dear to us all. The Haredi public is no longer left behind, but participates in the commemoration of IDF soldiers in a respectful manner, and the spirit of the Torah.”

Minister Biton said: “The human connection that exists in this hall, at this special evening organized by the Netzach Yehuda association, proves to our sorrow that bereavement is the lot of the entire nation. It is an evening that conveys unity and strength, along with preserving the tradition of Israel. Unity is the keyword and the answer to our enemies who wish to consume us.”

Udi Dror said: “I wish to bring to you, dear bereaved families, our appreciation. Every day of the year, you carry with you the great pain over the unbearable loss, for lives that were taken and are not with us anymore. Your sons, our dear soldiers who fell in sacrifice and holiness, left a glorious legacy. The Haredi soldiers and commanders continue their journey as God-fearing Jews who believe in the way of Torah and mitzvot.”

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