Photo Credit: Samaria Regional Council
Joshua's Tomb vandalized with antisemitic graffiti and calls to support Hamas.

Palestinian Authority Arabs have once again attempted to destroy the tomb of the Biblical Jewish leader, Joshua.


The attack took place late Wednesday night while the IDF facilitated safe passage into Kifl Hares, a Palestinian Authority village in Samaria that is home to the Tomb of Yehoshua bin Nun (Joshua).

During the visit, the attackers dumped a burning tire onto the tomb while the Jews were praying inside.

Israeli military forces extinguished the flames, and allowed the pilgrims to continue their visit.

Thousands of Jews travel to the Tomb each year on pilgrimage to mark Joshua’s death on 26 Nisan, on the Hebrew calendar.

This is not the first, nor the second or third time that Palestinian Authority Arabs have tried to destroy the holy site, and others, such as the Tomb of the Biblical Joseph.

Most recently, the tomb was desecrated in December 2023 by Palestinian Authority vandals who slathered antisemitic graffiti and calls to support the October 7 massacre in southern Israel.

The vandals also spray painted the names of terrorists who murdered Israelis in past attacks on the tomb.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.