Photo Credit: Misha Yakin
One way to identify a Mossad agent – it says so on his T-shirt.

The semi-official Tasnim news agency which is affiliated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps on Monday reported that Iran’s Intelligence Ministry identified and arrested the members of a Mossad spy network who were planning to sabotage the country’s defense industry through security marketing. The espionage network gathered information from Iranian knowledge-based companies that cooperate with Iran’s defense industries.

Mossad deployed a data broker named Frank Genin, who introduced himself as the chief of a spare parts manufacturer company to several Iranian companies and employees, the report said. Genin invited them to a seminar in Malaysia, where he introduced them to a second Mossad agent named Hadrien Lavaux.


Lavaux was managing director of Triple A Industries, an Aerospace advanced alloys and composites company in Singapore that was established in 2017 and communicated with Iranian manufacturers of carbon fibers, resin, and other metal alloys. Frank Genin was the chairman of Triple A Industries.

According to Tasnim, “Lavaux’s associates in Iran attended different exhibitions, monitored scientific conferences, and identified the latest needs of Iran’s defense industries.”

According to Press TV, another Iranian propaganda arm, the Mossad team identified the chiefs, salespersons, and important employees of defense companies, and fully covered their trips to conferences in Turkey, Hungary, Oman, and Georgia (It is well known that no red-blooded Iranian can resist a fully-covered trip anywhere, especially abroad – DI).

Now the punchline: Tasnim charges that in the past few months, Mossad has been employing its agents in “supporting terrorist attacks and violent riots across the country.”

However, “Iran’s intelligence forces had kept a close eye on these trips and were able to track down the network.”

Now you know. It’s still not clear, though, how Mossad was able to get the 22-year-old Kurd woman Mahsa Amini to get arrested and killed by the Iranian morality police for infringing the hijab law. Once Iranian intelligence figures that part out there’ll be hell to pay.

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