Photo Credit: Petra News public image
Jordan's health minister, Saad Jaber

The General Command of the Jordan Armed Forces on Tuesday announced that army units will be deployed at the entrances and exits of cities throughout the country, as part of measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, Petra reported.

In a statement, the General Command called on citizens to follow all instructions issued by the deployed units.


On Monday, Jordan confirmed six new coronavirus cases, bringing the official total to 18, according to the Jordan News Agency.

On Tuesday, Jordan’s Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Hala Zawati discussed with private and public energy sector institutions ways to ensure the security of energy supply to address challenges of coronavirus outbreak. Zawati stressed the need to alleviate the pressures on citizens in these exceptional circumstances. She also highlighted the importance of providing a sufficient stockpile of oil derivatives and liquefied petroleum gas, and ensuring that any emergency breakdowns on electrical system are addressed as quickly as possible.

The minister noted the importance of coordination and integration between the energy sector and concerned authorities to face the repercussions of this crisis.

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