Photo Credit: Twitter screenshot
The villa that was attacked Friday morning, March 1, 2024.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported Friday morning that three violent explosions had been heard at dawn, resulting from an air strike likely to have been Israeli, which targeted a villa on the southern outskirts of the city of Baniyas on the Syrian coast. A group of unknown nationalities affiliated with the Iranian militias were inside the villa during the attack. At least one person was killed and widespread destruction was caused.

According to the SOHR, “The people woke up at around 4 AM today to the sound of violent explosions, which caused a state of panic among them.”


Understandably so.

On Thursday, an Israeli drone targeted a Hezbollah truck on the Syrian-Lebanese border, killing one individual (Syria Blames Israel for Major Attack on Iranian Targets in Damascus).

Three Israeli missiles targeted an air defense and radar site near Dummar, 4 km away from the capital, Damascus. The air defenses launched an attempt to confront the Israeli missiles, but the missiles reached their targets, SOHR reported.

Dummar is a municipal district of Damascus, located in the city’s northwest. Since the beginning of the Syrian Civil War, it has been known as the safest neighborhood of Damascus.

But then the Iranians move in, and there goes the neighborhood. Literally.

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