Photo Credit: Gershon Ellinson
Welcome to Gush Etzion sign. Photo credit: Gershon Ellinson

The Gush Etzion Regional Council is among the leading authorities in terms of the data showing eligibility for school matriculation, with many of its students matriculating with distinction (with high scores).

In 2022, the council had a score of 87.3% of students who were eligible for matriculation of which 49.2% completed their certificate with distinction. This depicts a 14% increase compared to data published last year.


According to the data, every second student in Gush Etzion holds a matriculation certificate with distinction, while the national score stands at 13.5%, which corresponds to every seventh or eighth student matriculating with distinction.

There is also an increase in the number of students eligible for five-point mathematics. In Gush Etzion, that figure stands at 40.7%, an increase of 5% from last year, and of which the national average is 17.3%.

The average score for five-point eligibility in English also increased by 5% to 83.7%, almost double the national average, which stands at 44.6%.

Thirteen thousand students study at educational institutions in Gush Etzion, from birth through twelfth grade. Only two weeks ago it was published that all high schools in Gush Etzion, in cooperation with the Efrat council, are recognized as outstanding high schools. Last year the council, which views education as the highest value, was awarded the National Education Prize.

Avi Alon, director of the education department of the Gush Etzion Council, says, “This is a phenomenal achievement! The graph showing data for Gush Etzion shows an increasing trend. The investment in education in Gush Etzion continues to bear fruit. Together with the staff of the education department, elementary and high school principals, dedicated teachers, and all educators, we continue to make education in Gush Etzion a priority.”

Council Mayor Shlomo Ne’eman, congratulated all education staff and students:

“Throughout the years we have worked and continue to work to advance and enrich our education system. Our students invest a great deal in their studies and in the good values of love for Torah, the Land, and the Israel Defense Forces, and I am delighted that the hard work of the students and educational staff have ultimately reaped this wonderful fruit. Educational institutions in Gush Etzion strive for excellence and good, meaningful values.”

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